September 2020: 8 stories in 7 publications

One of the big ‘winners’ of COVID-19 is Netflix.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, several media giants were in a race against Netflix to define the future of entertainment. Now, as the industry changes and some companies fail, Netflix aims to keep innovating even beyond COVID-19.

I love good television and movies, especially those based on real life. (Did you know that the sagas at News Corporation and Viacom were the inspiration for HBO’s Succession?) But even though there’s an exciting future in entertainment and transformative power in video games, there comes a time when you have to turn off the TV.

In fact, the same advice that applies to something like online gaming also applies to current events. Right now, the world is focused on the upcoming presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. But unless you’re a US citizen who can and should vote, it’s a waste of time to be glued to the screen worrying about something you can’t control.

A breath of fresh air

Fortunately, just like you don’t have to pack up your life and move to the woods to experience peace and quiet, you don’t have to go on a silent retreat for a week or dark retreat for a month to give your mind a break. All it takes is a few minutes outside.

You also don’t have to run a marathon when you can just go for a jog, you don’t have to ride across the world when you can just go for a spin, and you don’t have to climb a mountain when you can just take a walk. Any physical activity is better than nothing.

Indeed, now that the weather is getting warmer in the southern hemisphere (and a little cooler in the north), it’s a great time to get out and get active. As Thomas Mann writes in Buddenbrooks, one of the best books I’ve read in a long time (also available on Audible):

A happy present is not something we can always take for granted.

How will you make the most of today?

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Galileo Drive-In Cinema at Cape Town High School (Copyright: Eugene Yiga)
Galileo Drive-In Cinema at Cape Town High School (Copyright: Eugene Yiga)